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Exemplary Units



  • Standards were grouped into units in an effort to scaffold and provide a smooth flow and transition of all 3 dimensions of the standards with an overall unit proficiency scale.
  • Most of the learning activities include a teacher resource page and a student page.
  • Each Unit is structured around an anchoring phenomenon and driving question that is referred back to throughout the unit as students build more understanding and skills.
  • Units were scaffolded with the use of learning goals ensuring standard alignment and allowing teachers to incrementally formatively assess student learning and skills.
  • The units follow the 5E model with a focus on at least one Explore and Explain learning opportunity for each of the learning goals, an Elaboration component at the end of each unit pulling skills and content together prior to the Evaluation or summative assessment. (Formative assessment opportunities occur throughout the unit for each learning goal or piece of each learning goal.)

    • Investigations and lessons were provided for each learning goal. If teachers choose to reorganize and add alternative learning activities it is highly recommended that the unpacking/learning goals are reorganized and lessons are aligned as much as possible.  
    • Unit descriptions and proposed pacing guides are included for each unit in physics and chemistry.  Additional scaffolding may need to be added to meet the needs of individual schools and students. 
    • Alternative activities that align to each learning goal can definitely be used and sharing is encouraged.
    • Alternative activities if aligned to the learning goals should not affect student performance on the summative assessment. 
    • Summative Assessments will be accessible to teachers by completing the google form. Once the form is completed teachers will be added to the shared assessment drive in an effort to protect the contents and validity of the summative assessments. 
    • Proposed: District Wide PLCs for each content area will be held, via zoom, on singleton Fridays during PLC time to prepare for lessons, share tips and tricks of setup and classroom management and analyze summative assessment data. 
    • (While revisions have been made throughout the creation process as writing team members used the lessons, continued revisions will be made based on more teacher use and feedback.)

  • All units and assessments are considered to be DRAFT form with the intention of revising them throughout the year based on teacher feedback.
  • Teachers from other districts are welcome to use the materials.
  • The ultimate goal of this work is to create strong and sustainable PLCs at all levels while continuing the work of creating and providing valuable teacher resources, strengthening tier one instruction, and ultimately student learning, engagement, and love of science.